According to research, an increase intake in fiber can also
help prevent and reduce heart diseases, diabetes, and
colon cancer. Fiber is also known to reduce the blood
cholesterol levels.For most Americans, the average daily
intake of protein is recommended at 46 g (women) and
56 g (men). One cup of shredded cheese is about 26 g of
protein and a 1 cup of diced chicken is 38 g of protein.
That means that if you eat cottage cheese for breakfast
with a glass of milk, an egg sandwich for lunch, and a
ribeye steak for dinner, you are probably looking at double
the amount of protein recommend for daily intake.
You can now understand why the average American eat
around 100 g of protein per day. Our society seems to be
eating too much protein, which can cause issues with the
bowels or digestion. It is true that some individuals need
more protein than others but in general, our protein rich
nutrition is overindulgence. A plant-based nutrition can
help us meet our health goal without going above the daily
intake recommendation.
It was once believed that you needed to add animal
protein in your meals to increase muscle mass. Some